Changes to Fingerprint Background Check
In late 2020, the Commonwealth will be introducing a new vendor for fingerprint services. KSP is proud to partner with Idemia to transform and technologize the background check process to better serve you.
***No action is required on your part now. Please check back here for the most up-to-date information.***
May 14, 2020 – Click to see full details.
IDEMIA is pleased to introduce our Universal Enrollment Platform (UEP), the newest solution in our fingerprint technology, to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Over the coming weeks, Kentucky Agencies and Stakeholders will receive information about our UEP solution for fingerprint background checks. You will also receive details about a new website for registration and workstations in our IdentoGo centers (IDEMIA’s fingerprinting locations) throughout the state. We look forward to meeting the needs of Kentucky citizens who depend on professional, convenient, and reliable biometric enrollment services.
Under the new solution, you can expect some significant program enhancements. Kentucky is the latest state program scheduled to receive our nationally recognized technology known as UEP. This truly modern solution delivers a higher level of convenience and program sophistication to our customers. UEP was developed from the ground up to service the unique needs of our industry. We are excited to bring this solution to our Kentucky customers.
Here are a few of the exciting changes that will benefit your organization:
- An applicant enrollment website, where applicants can
- Easily schedule appointments at convenient IdentoGo locations
- Receive automatic notifications and check status of their fingerprint submissions
- Access from their mobile device
- A consistent applicant experience, designed specifically for fast processing
- Standard Location Signage, Branding, and Days/Hours of Operation
- Enrollment times average 5 minutes
- Improved fingerprint quality capture, resulting in fewer reprints
- Specific identification requirements, including photo capture
- Multiple payment options, including Certified/Business Checks, Money orders, credit cards and coupon codes for State and local government agencies
- Agencies and Authorized Users can access results through the web-based FlexCheck portal
Click here for a high-level project overview and some of the benefits of the UEP system.
[vc_column_text]IdentoGO® Locations:
IDEMIA will be establishing 26 IdentoGO® partner enrollment centers within the Commonwealth of Kentucky to provide fingerprint services to applicants for your agency. These enrollment centers, deployed under our IdentoGO® brand name, provide customers with a modern, professional environment as well as staff that is knowledgeable about the application process. All partner locations are reviewed for ADA compliance as well as the look and feel to ensure that it adheres to the IDEMIA Look and Feel Standard. The intention is for applicants to be able to easily identify these locations and service capabilities with consistent signage and branding. The locations will ensure coverage within a 40 mile radius.
May 25, 2020 – Click to see full details. Kentucky State Police previously sent information regarding a new solution for fingerprint supported background checks within the state from IDEMIA and the introduction to the Universal Enrollment Platform (UEP). As we continue to move towards implementation of the program, in this notification we want to provide you with program specifics regarding Applicant Pre-Enrollment, Non-Resident Registration, and the Livescan Enrollment Process. Additional information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
Applicant Pre-Enrollment:
All applicants who will complete the livescan printing will need to pre-register via our UEP website using simply the Service Codes provided to your agency or facility. (Please Note: Service Codes will be assigned and provided at a later date.) Service Codes are unique 6 character values which will identify the agency, applicant type, fingerprint reason, ORI, fees, and any other information specific to that applicant type or fingerprint reason. Information regarding Service Codes is included in the attached file. The website will collect all necessary personal data for scheduling the appointment at one of the many IdentoGO® centers throughout the Commonwealth utilizing an easy to use search tool. Once complete with the registration, the applicant will be provided a Service Summary detailing their appointment along with what they will need to bring to the location. For applicants that provide an e-mail address as their method of contact, this information is also e-mailed to the specified e-mail address. All applicants are required to pre-enroll and schedule an appointment.
Non-Resident Registration:
Applicants outside of Kentucky have two options for completing their enrollment. They can choose to send in hard cards to our Cardscan Conversion facility, where we will take the cards and complete the enrollment, submitting it through the same process as if they were completed on a livescan workstation. Instructions are provided to the applicant on how to send these in once complete with the registration. Out of State Applicants also have the option of having their enrollment completed at one of our 500+ nationwide UEP enrollment centers outside of Kentucky using the same pre-enrollment process they would use to register within the Commonwealth. Utilizing an Out of State facility improves the fingerprint quality and is more secure due to the same ID documents being required at an in-state enrollment site. It also makes the process much more streamlined when compared to completing hard cards, mailing them in and waiting for them to be processed.
Livescan Enrollment Process:
All enrollment centers across the Commonwealth will have the same workstation installed, including a fingerprint scanner, identification document authenticator, camera, check scanner, signature capture pad, and credit card reader. Once registration is complete and the applicant arrives to the site for their appointment at an IdentoGO® center, they will verify their identity and provide their birthday for security to enter the enrollment process. The workstation will prompt for confirmation of what they are enrolling for, confirm biographic and personal data, and require a valid ID document be scanned from the previously distributed list. When complete with the fingerprint capture and payment collection is complete, the applicant will sign to confirm they have completed the enrollment, and a receipt is auto-printed with details regarding their enrollment.
Please be on the lookout for future communications. Information regarding Authorized User & Background Check Results Viewing is scheduled for distribution next week. If you have any questions regarding the attached content or upcoming transition to the UEP solution, please let us know.
June 1, 2020 – Click to see full details.
Kentucky State Police previously sent information regarding a new solution for fingerprint supported background checks within the state from IDEMIA and the introduction to the Universal Enrollment Platform (UEP). As we continue to move towards implementation of the program, in this notification we want to provide you with program specifics regarding Authorized User & Background Check Results Viewing. Additional information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
Authorized Users:
All Agencies or authorized contacts will be provided with login credentials for those staff who are authorized to view results of the criminal record check on our FlexCheck web portal. This web portal access will be used instead of receiving mailings with results of the background check process for your applicants. The web portal is currently in development for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and we will provide additional information regarding the system, user training, and login credentials closer to the public network launch. The solution is designed so the FlexCheck system differentiates the results by Service Code, so only those with permission to view the selected applicant group will have access and no other agency or entity will be able to view the results of your applicants.
Background Check Results Viewing:
The FlexCheck web portal solution for KY Agencies will provide record status and viewable results for Kentucky fingerprinting services. Through the portal, you will be able to review recently completed and pending transactions from the status bar, as well as see previous results if needed at a later time through the search feature. Records can be searched individually or by any set of various criteria. Applicant information will populate to provide details on their enrollment as well as the background check results from their prints. From the portal, FlexCheck can provide result letters that are printable if allowed for your agency.
Click here to view – Background Check Results Viewing Document
June 25, 2020 – Click to see full details.
As we continue to move towards implementation of the program, still tentatively targeted to launch in October 2020, we wanted to provide you with a list of frequently asked questions received from agencies over the last few weeks as well as responses to those questions. Additional information will be communicated in the coming weeks as the project continues toward launch. If you have any additional questions regarding the attached content, the upcoming transition to the UEP solution, or agency-specific questions, please contact us at EnrollmentDelivery@us.idemia.com.
Click here to view – Kentucky Agency FAQs
August 10, 2020 – Click to see full details.
Kentucky State Police previously sent information regarding a new solution for fingerprint supported background checks within the state from IDEMIA and the introduction to the Universal Enrollment Platform (UEP). As we continue to move towards implementation of the program, in this notification we want to provide you with a status update on the program launch, as well as provide some additional information related to Service Codes you can expect in the coming month.
Service Codes:
All applicants who need to complete a fingerprint background check will need to pre-register via our UEP website simply using the Service Code provided to your agency or facility. Service Codes are unique, non-sequential 6 character values which will identify the agency, applicant type, fingerprint reason, ORI, fees, and any other information specific to that applicant type or fingerprint reason. We are currently developing these Service Codes, which will be provided to you soon along with Service Code Forms. These Service Code Forms will provide your agency applicants with the necessary information to complete registration on the IdentoGO website and schedule an appointment for fingerprinting services at one of our locations across the state. A sample of what the Service Code Form will look like has been attached for reference. When finalized and ready for distribution, the Service Code(s) for your particular agency will be sent via e-mail to your agency point of contact. Agencies can expect to receive these in the coming month.
Processing Fee Clarification:
To expand on the pricing and fee structure, which were previously sent in the FAQ, please note that all applicants will be utilizing the UEP registration process for submission of fingerprints. This includes all applicants using either livescan in the IdentoGo Enrollment Centers or hard cards through our Cardscan office. Once IDEMIA begins accepting applicants with the new solution, KSP will no longer be accepting hard card submissions for processing. All submissions will follow the below previously communicated pricing structure.
Services to be printed | State Fee | FBI Fee | IDEMIA Fee | Total |
State and FBI | $20.00 | $13.25 | $18.00 | $51.25 |
State and FBI (Volunteer Rate) | $20.00 | $11.25 | $18.00 | $49.25 |
FBI Only | $0.00 | $13.25 | $18.00 | $31.25 |
FBI Only (Volunteer Rate) | $0.00 | $11.25 | $18.00 | $29.25 |
State Only | $20.00 | $0.00 | $18.00 | $38.00 |
Criminal Justice Rate | $0.00 | $0.00 | $18.00 | $18.00 |
As we continue development and planning, we are still on track for implementation of UEP services within Kentucky to occur in October. Please be on the lookout for future communications. Information regarding your Service Codes, and shortly following that, NCAC coupon code account setup is scheduled for distribution in the coming weeks. If you have any questions regarding the attached content or upcoming transition to the UEP solution, please let us know.
September 18, 2020 – Click to see full details.
KY UEP Agency Communication: Timeline Update
To follow up prior communications and provide an update on the new fingerprint background check solution, please be advised that the tentative start date has shifted from October to late November or early December. Due to various required project and technical steps, this shift is necessary to ensure proper implementation. As we continue to work through those milestone items, IDEMIA will provide you with an update to the timeline as soon as more definitive information is available.
Once a date has been determined, an additional notification will be provided at least 30 days prior to the go-live. In the coming weeks, IDEMIA will provide each stakeholder with your specific Service Code(s) and information relating to setting up NCAC payment options along with the timeline updates.
If you have any questions regarding the updated timeline, please contact us at EnrollmentDelivery@us.idemia.com.
October 23, 2020 – Click to see full details – Card Scan and Out of State Applicant Instructions. As we continue the transition over to the new UEP solution, we are providing updated cardscan instructions and adding additional capabilities for applicants to be able to complete their prints at UEP locations outside of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This will replace the current process for applicants residing outside of Kentucky and does not affect those residing within the state, as they will be able to schedule an appointment at an IdentoGO enrollment center within the State. Applicants will see options of “Mail In Your Fingerprint Card” as well as an option for “Out-Of-State Digital Fingerprinting Services (Live Scan)”. Applicants are required to complete the pre-enrollment step, and will need to follow specific instructions for mailing the cardscan packet, or can utilize the option to print at a UEP location across the country. The standard instructions will include mailing cards and info to the IdentoGO Cardscan Department (office in Tennessee) in the first section, and detail the Out-Of-State Livescan registration process in the second section.
Applicant Instructions
Each applicant will follow the cardscan or Out-Of-State instructions attached. An overview of the processes are listed below.
Cardscan Processing:
- Pre-enroll for cardscan submission at https:/uenroll.identogo.com/. All processing fees will be collected during the pre-enrollment process (via credit card or coupon code). A pre-enrollment confirmation page will be provided once registration is complete.
- Obtain fingerprints on FBI (FD-258) fingerprint card and complete personal information fields on fingerprint card.
- Print and sign the completed pre-enrollment confirmation page, which includes the barcode printed on the top right of the page. Mail the signed pre-enrollment confirmation page and the completed fingerprint card to the mailing address provided or other specific instructions provided by your agency.
Out-Of-State Livescan Processing:
- Pre-enroll for Livescan Processing at https://uenroll.identogo.com/, selecting the option to locate the nearest Out-Of-State location for Livescan Fingerprinting Services.
- Identify the closest location you would like to get printed at via the zip-code lookup. If no location is available within 100 miles or you do not wish to visit the identified location, there is an option to switch to Cardscan Processing.
- Select an appointment date and time and complete the pre-enrollment steps.
- Complete the enrollment at the selected location.
Details and screenshots of the new UEP process. This file will also be posted on the Kentucky IdentoGO landing page for applicant viewing.
Important Notes regarding Cardscan Processing:
Agencies may draft specific instructions for applicants regarding these new procedures or may use the attached document alone.
IDEMIA requires only the completed fingerprint card (including SSN if required) and the UEP confirmation page to complete the cardscan submission. Applicant packets submitted that do not include a signed UEP confirmation page will be returned TO THE APPLICANT.
With the pre-enrollment requirement, IDEMIA will not be entering the data for the applicant. Any errors related to those fields that require a new fingerprint submission for the applicant will require an additional paid pre-enrollment and fingerprint card submission.
Upon completion of cardscan, IDEMIA will store the card/form for a period of 90 days, at which point all documents will be shredded.
IDEMIA requests agencies begin updating cardscan instructions as soon as possible for applicants to prepare for the transition in late November. Once the new UEP solution is launched, IDEMIA will begin accepting cardscan submissions through this new process. If you have any questions please let us know.
October 23, 2020 – Click to see full details – ID Requirements and Juvenile Waiver
As we continue the transition over to the new UEP solution, Kentucky State Police has approved a standard list of acceptable identification documents for use by contributors that will required for applicants utilizing the UEP network. Each applicant will be required to produce one of the allowed documents, each of which can be scanned and verified with the use of the document reader, which is included on all UEP workstations. The below list shows the allowed documents accepted, and are listed on the Service Code forms that were sent out previously.
- Driver’s License issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
- Driver’s License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
- Driver’s License PAPER/TEMPORARY issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
- Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL)
- Commercial Driver’s License issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
- Commercial Driver’s License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S
- ID card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency or by a Territory of the United States
- Enhanced Tribal Identification Card (for federally recognized U.S. tribes)
- Department of Defense Common Access Card
- Uniformed Services Identification Card (Form DD-1172-2)
- S. Military Identification Card
- S. Coastguard Merchant Mariner Card
- Military Dependent’s Identification Card
- S. Passport
- Foreign passport
- Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
- Employment Authorization Card/Document (I-766) that contains a photograph
- Canadian Driver’s License
- Foreign Driver’s License (Mexico and Canada Only)
- S. Visa issued by the U.S. Department of Consular Affairs for travel to or within, or residence within, the United States
Name Linking Documents (only needed if name on identification does not match name in registration):
- Original or Certified Copy of a Court Ordered Name Change Document (to include marriage certificates and divorce decrees)
For applicants who are under the age of 18 and do not have one of the documents listed above, the parent or guardian may present the attached waiver at the enrollment center along with the required secondary ID shown below. Please note, this waiver will not be available at the enrollment center or provided by IDEMIA Customer Service, and instead must be provided by the agency. Attached to this e-mail is a pdf version of that waiver which can be provided by your agency if applicable.
- Approved Documents list as shown above; or
- Photo ID Waiver for Minors (Only needed in special circumstances)
- Required Secondary document if Photo ID Waiver for Minors is selected (only needed in special circumstances)
- Birth Certificate bearing an official seal (or certified copy) issued by State, county, municipal authority (or outlying possession of the U.S)
- Social Security Card
November 16, 2020 – Click to see full details – Timeline Update
To follow up prior communications and provide an update on the new fingerprint background check solution, please be advised that the launch start date has shifted from late November to December 9th. Due to technical steps that must be completed prior to go live, this shift is necessary to ensure proper implementation. Further instruction will be provided the week of 11/30. IDEMIA will provide each stakeholder with your specific login information closer to the launch date.
If you have any questions regarding the updated timeline, please contact us at EnrollmentDelivery@us.idemia.com.
December 2, 2020 – Click to see full details – Go Live Confirmation
We are pleased to confirm the new system will officially go live on December 9th, 2020. The details below will provide the information you need to incorporate these changes to provide better and more accurate pre-enrollment services to your applicant group(s).
Website and Location Planning
The new UEP solution will be available on December 9th, 2020 for your applicant fingerprint needs. The previous process of submitting cards to Kentucky State Police will no longer be available beginning on December 8th, and all applicants will need to register via the UEnroll website utilizing the Service Codes previously provided. The new UEP Public Website is located at https://uenroll.identogo.com/. Kentucky Service Codes will be activated on or before December 9th for appointment scheduling at locations across Kentucky. Website links and other important information are listed below.
Online Resources:
To further assist agencies, applicants, and other stakeholders, please see below additional website links or important information for reference.
- Kentucky IdentoGO “landing page”:
- Registration Website:
- Location Finder (to enter City or Zip Code):
- Customer Service Call Center:
- (844) 543-9714
Background Check Result Viewing
IDEMIA has developed a new web portal for your agency use to view background checks online for your fingerprinted applicants. Applicants fingerprinted in the IdentoGo centers will have results posted for your access within the new KCHIRP (Kentucky’s Criminal History Information Request Portal) system. User guides and quick reference materials will be coming soon, with your agency receiving the instructions and user login information first, followed with password information in a separate e-mail. More information will be distributed to you as soon as it is available.
What is a Service Code?
IDEMIA has assigned a unique Service Code for each unique combination of Agency and Reason for Fingerprinting. This six character Service Code is used to accurately identify the Agency (ORI), Reason for Fingerprinting (RFP), and Price for the transaction. Service Code is a required field for all pre-authorization/pre-enrollment transactions, and were sent the week of 10/5.
- Service Codes are not sequential numbers. Therefore, it is highly improbable that an applicant accidentally enrolls for the wrong Agency or service.
- Applicants will be required to enter the assigned Service Code to begin registration and appointment setup. With the new UEP Public Web, all pre-authorizations/pre-enrollments by the agency or applicant must occur using the service code.
Please visit https://uenroll.identogo.com/ for more information about Service Codes or refer to the previously sent e-mail.
If you have any questions regarding the updated timeline, please contact us at EnrollmentDelivery@us.idemia.com.
To confirm, the scheduled date for Kentucky UEP launch is set as December 9th, 2020. Please be on the look out for future communications regarding background check results viewing. Thank you again for your support of the Kentucky program!